I am Lotta Truyen and currently studying veterinary medicine at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hanover (Germany). I will finish my fourth year of vet school at the end of this summer. I would like to go abroad in the near future to complete more internships.
I feel honoured to be accepted to participate in the Leadership Program for Veterinary Students at Cornell University and to spend ten weeks in the Parrish Lab over the summer. I am very grateful to be here and to work with this amazing team. My research project is about influenza viruses and how they can cross species borders, so I will have a closer look at the variant forms of sialic acids, as well as to investigate viral proteins and prepare and analyze plasmids. Outside of lab work, I love to jog, hike, bicycle and to do Zumba Dancing and Pilates. Furthermore, I enjoy reading a good book or checking out new recipes in the kitchen.